There was a day off from bricklaying today as preparations were made to level the ground either side of Platform 2A . This necessary in order to achieve a reasonable working height for the lads doing the corbelling and of course eventually placing the coping slabs. As part of this exercise 6 dumper loads of rubble from the old platform 2 waiting room were disposed of behind the wall. Andy P and Jo worked on this task all day. A great job.
Clive, having been stood down from bricklaying for the day was able to give the lamp huts there first coat of primer. When they were completed they certainly looked the business.
Brick Cleaning continued unabated and certainly I have no fears that there is enough to finish the 40m of 2A.
On other fronts the Routemaster Service was moving enthusiasts between Toddington and Broadway. Here Graham Smith "steered a South Korea film crew in our direction.
Chez Marguerite was doing steady business during the day and putting some much needed money into the Broadway Area Group's coffers.
A group of us went over Cheltenham moonlighting to help out on a job that needed doing urgently. Essentially we we creating a temporary access point for back of of CRC Platform 2. The reasons will become obvious over the coming weeks. Thanks to Pat Green and co for help with transporting materials.

Finally I had a very pleasant surprise when my son and my two delightful grandchildren turned up on the bus. What a treat! Hannah and Josh are the main reason that I volunteer at Broadway, to one day take them for a ride from Cheltenham to Broadway and back. How good will that be!
PS Platform 2A waiting for the onslaught this week!
let me guess- you will be salvaging bricks from CRC platform 2?
No, putting in Platform 2!
The bricks have started to arrive......
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