Safety is a byword on our Railway and here Dave and Vic construct some safety fencing around the culvert beside the the Chilswickham Road. It was precarious work which had to be done a sufficient distance from the culvert tunnel and on the near level ground. There is more to be done on this next week, to complete the task.
At the Childswickham Road end of the car park, the stream goes under the road. The volume of rain water that has swollen the stream this week, cause the stream to back up and so John S and Peter H set to with innovative unblocking techniques to clear it. Here my good friend Peter stands tired wet, but contented after a successful outcome!
Back on site brick retrieval and cleaning was continuing on the up platform waiting room site. I rather like the colour co ordination going on here with the hats and wet weather gear. I think a phone call to Vogue might be in order!

The job of filling the voids in the Platform 2A blocks was completed, ready for the Worcester lads on Wednesday. I just hope the weather cheers up a bit. Here Jo reaches the half way mark. and finally the job was done.
Here Da Do Ron Ron sweeps up and Bob White heads for the mess hut for a well earned cuppa.
Last but not least if there was an award for the loneliness of the long distance brick cleaner it would go to Mike who worked all day at cleaning the Taunton reds. The wind was whistling through the pines from the North - it felt more like a January day. Well done Mike.
Asthe Weather continues to look bad, what about creating some cover for the bricklayers. something long and 6ft wide which could be easily moved on as work progresses.
Perhaps a frame of scaffolding covered with plastic sheeting would suffice or even a couple of cheap gazebos from B&Q.
Good Luck, Titus
It's a good thought. We do have some scaffold with this mind. To date the weathers never been a problem!
Just seen some photos of Williton Station on the West Somerset Rly. The track is under water but just passable. I do hope all is well with the line at Toddington etc as news shows images of lots of trees down in the Cotswolds and Gloucestershire. Just spent the last couple of days at Llangollen for SSS3 which was great but glad I chose Fri & Sat and not Sunday! I hope all goes well on Wednesday for the Broadway workers.
Thanks TT
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