Tuesday 24 April 2012

Tuesday 24th April 2012 - the Calm before the Storm

Start of day and Ron points the first
course of concrete blocks in the right direction
The weather forecast for Wednesday is dire so a happy band arrived for work today to ensure we don't get  behind with our 2A building schedule. Unfortunately the Worcester lads could not reschedule, so the block gang have given them a head start for next Wednesday.

Clive now has long arms and a permanent stoop!
150 or so blocks later and by the end of the day the full length of the 40m 2A is completed.

Here 4 of the six 6 block men talk about their successful day and it really was a triumph of mind over matter.

Roll of Honour:

Also a thank you to Chris, David and Roger who  doggedly cleaned bricks all day.

Probably no work tomorrow so the next post will be for Saturday.

We mustn't forget the Worcester lads - here is their latest publication on the Worcester College Website


Anonymous said...

Good work again.

Re the Worcester college mag article- nice to see, but UGH that dreaded reporter phrase "Train Station"! It's a RAILWAY STATION!

Peter said...


I couldn't agree more !!!

I think "train station" (ghastly phrase) is an Americanism.
