Thursday, 20 October 2011

Wednesday 19th October 2011

An icy wind was blowing down between the Pines today and it was the first taste of what Winter will bring! It was not a day for standing around and a team of 15 kept on the move all day.

The work continued on the corbelling (sounds like something Morris Men would enjoy).  Here is work in progress as at lunchtime with Clive (in the background) trying to keep pace with Ron Briz.
On the other side of the trackbed a brick retrieval exercise is going on from the the rear of the embankment. We continue to find a large number of blues in this particular section, which seems to be made up largely of the old Platform 2, bulldozed into the trees. There's a great deal of satisfaction in seeing an ex Platform 2 brick, reclaimed in the morning, ending up up in the 1A wall in the afternoon!

Brick Mining
On other fronts Gordon mounted a one man campaign to find the culvert that comes into the car park by the Evesham Road Bridge. We are continuing the task of clearing this area as best we can. We could really do with Dot back in action. Although the engine is working fine, a hydraulic leak is preventing us getting her moving. Hopefully this will be sorted soon.

Chris and David continued with their relentless brick cleaning. They have halved the pile of ex Wisley Sewage Works bricks. The mortar on these bricks really takes some shifting and I don't know how they keep at it with such enthusiasm.

Dave Brooks spent the day putting the finishing touches to the railed fence by the B&B. The end result is splendid!

And finally, if the Devil cast his net now!
Henry Howard(Trust Chaiman) paid us a visit to look around the site. He was meeting up with Alan Bielby (pic) on their way to discussions with Wychavon Planners. Shin pads were at the ready.
Some great end of day shots from Peter H.
"We achieved good steady progress yesterday afternoon.
The original brick stack by 1A was cleared and the bricks stacked up ready for completion of this section of the platform ( picture 1). Andy, Dave and Terry retrieved and cleaned more bricks from Andy's mine and these too were moved to the wall. Even more were retrieved and are awaiting cleaning (picture 3).
The small extension to 1 is now complete and ready for brickwork.
We had a call from Ron saying a frost was forecast so on went the shroud and it covered up the corbelling progress! (picture 2)"

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