Wednesday 14 May 2014

Wednesday 14th May 2014

What a sunny day!  There were twenty volunteers on site and some great progress was made. I  had some steroid injections in my thumb joints  this afternoon - boy does that make your eyes water! This means my typing skills (never up to much at the best of times) are going to be limited - more pictures than prose tonight!

Neil  Perrins ( George Law Project Manager) laying down the law
- most popular saying
 "Its not in the contract to do it that way"
Where to start? Well we had the Bridge Contractors(George Law Ltd) on site sorting out a temporary encampment at Broadway and having another close look at what they've committed themselves too!
Gazing up at the rust!

The Iron work team - now there's a short straw task!

JC and Tony continue with the
Lego  -would that it was that simple!

Back on site work continued on the Signal Box.

Up to the northern end now and Roger B sent me the following Report:-

Hi Bill
 Reasonable progress today,
The first 5 Metres is up to the 3rd course and backed up by Clive & Peter H.
The second 5 Metres is up to the 2nd course of Blues and backup is nearly complete.
Work stopped on the Signal Box before lunch  as JC was on a half day and Bob was away on holiday, so  Tony B gave us a welcome hand.
After last weeks picture less show, I think Peter H is sending you some pictures.

Talking nicely to the mxer...

On the other side on platform 2B Rod, Terry  and Paul were laying the rear vertical slabs. They managed to complete the laying of the 3ft x 2 ft slabs - a total of 14 were laid.

Just before lunch a  part delivery of  3000 engineering blues was made by Travis Perkins - these are to be use in the Station/Waiting Room , below damp course. Dave and Gord did the honours with supervising the unloading. Tops marks to the TP driver who reversed up the track bed with a full load, slaloming between the obstacles.

Also at the end of the day Carlton Bricks delivered 18 pallets of bricks. Thanks to Rod, Terry and Tony who stayed behind to supervise the job.

In the car park Vic's determined efforts to landscape the  the car park can now be seen in colour.

Mike S in action....
However, the weeds seem to grow at a faster rate than anything, and we have to give the platform surfaces a dose of Round Up.
Finally the brick cleaners/shifters kept at it all as usual and our brick stocks continue to be in good shape.
Ron D and Gord


Anonymous said...

Picture 5. Brick with holes though it. Made in Honeybourne, maybe.

Anonymous said...

To ask a dumb question (!), why did work stop on the signal box before lunchtime?


Anonymous said...

Is there a diagram showing in detail what the main station building and waiting room look like?

Geoff said...

If you click on and scroll down a smidge you will see the artists impression of what the completed station (including main station building and waiting room will look like).

Dave said...

Well done all. Could someone give the signal box cam a kick it isn't working.

Anonymous said...

Round Up? We shouldn't really be using such a horrendous product, made by one of the most horrid and disgraceful corporations on the planet, Monsanto. Surely there must be other alternatives which are better for all of humanity, and planet Earth. Other than that, utterly brilliant work! What you are doing at Broadway Station is an inspiration!