From time to time the materials container gets so full that it won't take one more item and similarly our Mess Hut looks as though a bomb has dropped! With the imminent build of Platform 1A we decided it was time for a clear out and tidy up. Everyone helped on a many hand make light work basis. A ceremonial bonfire was lit to get rid of a wide variety of rubbish accumulated over the year. It now looks great - until the next time!
Bernard Dudfield kindly brought over some extra long fence posts for us to do a 'proper' job on the fence. These were duly cemented in during the afternoon, ready for the rails to be added this week.
Star of the day was Margeurite Goodman who has offered to run our Kiosk for us. Margeurite has plenty of experience of running stalls at Toddington. This together with a warm, friendly manner encourages vistors to come along, see what we're up to, and importantly, part with their hard earned cash!
John B relaxes after his third hotdog |
Last but not least the GWR had a very kind invitation to attend, with a stall, the annual fund raising day held at Offenham Park. The Park is owned by Mr and Mrs (Karen) Pilling who's son Tom has joined us recently as our youngest and most enthusiastic volunteer. Offenham Park is in an idyllic setting by the river Avon. The fund raising day was well attended by weekend vistors and was an extremely enjoyable occasion. The Pillings have generously offered to share the profits from the event between the GWR and the local Air Ambulance. Thank you so much!
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