Sunday 20 March 2011

Saturday 19th March 2011

A very sunny day , filled with hard work and camaraderie. 10 volunteers were on duty. Three activities were  the focus of efforts today:-

Ditching in the car park
Ever conscious now of the importance of  drainage off the railway embankments, Keith G has launched a crusade on clearing the ditch that runs parallel to car park. Only another 500 yards to go !

Information/ Sales Booth
A reclaimed garden potting shed(ex John B) is being erected to provide the many passers-by and visitors to the site with information and the opportunity to purchase merchandise. It's not very beautiful at the moment, but nothing that a lick of paint won't sort out!

Platform 1
The final touches are being made to the current length of Platform 1. Here it fills the vista looking  northward. What a sight!

Last but not least, a well done goes to the brick reclamation gang who worked solidly all day to maintain the stock of vital imperial bricks.

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