Saturday 6 November 2010

Saturday 6th November - A Hardworking Day and a Surprise Visitor!

A near complete team turned up today to continue our good work:

Andy Protherough led the slash and burn charge with his chain saw.  A huge amount of embankment clearance was achieved and we had a bonfire befitting the time year!

At the other end of Site  good progress was made on the fast growing Platform Wall. The final facing bricks were placed on the 50-100 feet section, prior to the corbelling and base and backing blocks were laid for next 30 feet. Apologies that I didn't get  a picture before the  wraps went on. I will get a good shot during the week.

Finally we had welcome surprise visit from Jim Graham who originally gave us such a good start to this project. His  railway knowledge and keen wit are still missed by the old hands. I will persuade him back if its last thing I do!


Nigel Black said...

We, the Pway Dept, let Mr Graham visit you, from our current position just down the road at Laverton, on a very long lead!!!!!

Hopefully after tomorrow we will have the PW train another 300 feet closer to you!

Bill said...

Well said Nigel - you know a good 'un when you've got one!

Bill Britton