Sunday 10 October 2010

Another Milestone!

A day off today but work continues at a pace on many fronts. The Platform wall is no less than brilliant! Peters report follows:-

We had a very successful day. The construction team lead by Ron laid 500 + bricks and finished the corbelling on the first 50ft on platform wall. Brilliant effort!

Robin & John did stirling work cleaning the Wisley bricks and I would guess about 50 - 60 were prepared for laying.

Chris and son Dave found a rich seam of blue and red bricks just past the barrier fence and did excellent work in retrieving many of them in excellent condition.

Tea was served mid morning to keep us all in good shape.

Well done all!


richard said...

The work you guys are doing at Broadway station is amazing it looks as though the platform walls have always been there.
With all your progress is the loop at Laverton really needed?

David Arnold said...

Fantastic, with the corbelling complete it now looks a proper platform! Keep up the good work!

Bill said...

Thanks for your encouraging words. We will keep plugging away and we will see steam coming over the horizon before you know it!