A similar job was being carried out yesterday at the furthest point north, by Steve B and Richard. They are working southward. A great job!

The work continued on the enclosure for the footbridge span. Jim, Peter Q, Dave and Brian spent the day getting the roof batons in place. I think they have a Turner Prize in mind!
We had a disappointment during the week when the slip behind Platform 2C started to move again. The ballast that we retrieved from Toddington was intended to act as the main infill. Unfortunately the size of the slip in the bank is such that we are going to purchase some free draining stone and install gabions along the last 17m stretch. George Law have been chosen to do this work. It began yesterday and they hope to finish by the end of next week

Here a 360 excavator sits on top of the ex Toddington piles of ballast. A 6 tonne dumper ferries it northward.

There was a real milestone event today when Robin cleaned the last of the bricks (an ex Paddington one). Its impossible to count how many bricks Robin has cleaned - tens of thousands no doubt. The great achievement is how Robin has turned up each Saturday at 08:00, for the past 5 years, fair wind or foul, works steadily through the day until 15:00. At break time he keeps us amused with interesting facts, or a merry quip or two. He has served his apprenticeship now, and will be moving on to the next task! Well done Robin - you're an example to us all.
Hero status!
Rod L
That man is a legend.
One question, do you have enough brick in store to final the platforms?
thanks, Graham H
Yes we should have enough to close the gaps and finish the job, even if we have to horse trade some oversize bricks.
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