Fifteen of us on site today and the wind whistled up the track bed - warm in the morning and cold in the afternoon. Nevertheless it was a great day's work by everyone.
In preparation for getting the floor laid at some point in the not too distant future John S and Peter K spent the day fitting the metal brackets between the frame and the trimmers. By no means an easy task with the holes in the frame having to be precisely drilled out with a magnetic drill.

The end result was great with just a few more to be completed - the fading light got the better of the finished job. Peter had returned from a 6 week absence in order to get his left ankle rebuilt - he's the nearest we've got to a bionic man.

I have included a section of the signal box drawing showing the construction of raft across the platform. This is an answer to a question from Anonymous on a prior post. It really would be courteous to put your name to comments that are expecting answers!

Down on the driveway the eastern boundary fence is steadily extending southwards. A team of 3 or 4 of us persevered with this all day.
We are now at the boundary with the Garage. I'm not sure whether to claim the 2 Morris 1000's as a donation towards the fencing......

We had a small 360 excavator on site today, carrying out some titivation of the work carried out on Wednesday. Here JC is skimming the top of the shed base. The excess was deposited behind 1C.

Back on site the excavator was used to grade the bank behind platform 1C.
Finally JC set to at grading the ground down towards the garage. I think we had our monies worth out of the excavator today!

Looking northwards you will be able to see a bonfire(or 2) on the horizon. Bonfires are going to be the order of the day over the coming weeks to rid ourselves of all the vegetation debris from the cutting.

Finally one of Jo's excellent pictures of Dave H fitting out the electrics in the telephone box, both for lighting and for security camera communications. He completed the job and tested the light but I have yet to test out the comms!

The end result was great with just a few more to be completed - the fading light got the better of the finished job. Peter had returned from a 6 week absence in order to get his left ankle rebuilt - he's the nearest we've got to a bionic man.

I have included a section of the signal box drawing showing the construction of raft across the platform. This is an answer to a question from Anonymous on a prior post. It really would be courteous to put your name to comments that are expecting answers!

Down on the driveway the eastern boundary fence is steadily extending southwards. A team of 3 or 4 of us persevered with this all day.
We are now at the boundary with the Garage. I'm not sure whether to claim the 2 Morris 1000's as a donation towards the fencing......

We had a small 360 excavator on site today, carrying out some titivation of the work carried out on Wednesday. Here JC is skimming the top of the shed base. The excess was deposited behind 1C.

Back on site the excavator was used to grade the bank behind platform 1C.
Finally JC set to at grading the ground down towards the garage. I think we had our monies worth out of the excavator today!

Looking northwards you will be able to see a bonfire(or 2) on the horizon. Bonfires are going to be the order of the day over the coming weeks to rid ourselves of all the vegetation debris from the cutting.

Finally one of Jo's excellent pictures of Dave H fitting out the electrics in the telephone box, both for lighting and for security camera communications. He completed the job and tested the light but I have yet to test out the comms!
Where you have put the new green fence along the boundary with the garage, what is going to happen to the old GWR fence in the photos?
Hi Aaron,
The wooden fence has seen better days and many of the posts have rotted through. We are keeping our options open until we see how wide the driveway has to be for the additional traffic when the station is operational.
If you look at the fourth photo there appears to be some metal fencing of GWR origin, will that be refurbished and re used at all?
It's not GWR, sorry.
The fencing on this stretch was GWR bridge rail posts and wire.
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