Saturday 17 May 2014

Saturday 17th May 2014 - Warm!

There were 18 volunteers on site today - all wanting to make the best of the weather. which was brilliant sunshine. There were  a couple of initiatives to tidy up the site in anticipation of the BAG Open Evening this Friday - YOU ARE COMING AREN'T YOU!`

John C, John S and Tony B
Work on the Signal Box continued with two courses of bricks laid along the back wall. JC, John Simms and Tony B  were in attendance. The cherry on the cake was getting the 2 rear Locking Room window frames fitted. A great milestone! These window frames were made by Peter Keneally  a member of the BAG. I tried to re-sight the camera so that you would get a better view of the depth of the box, but over egged it a bit - I will sort  it.

Mike on the masonry saw

The great bricklaying progress would not of been possible if we hadn't had the use of a masonry bench saw to cut the bricks in half for keeping the bond in correct register.  Today Mike S kept at the task and we had sufficient stock by lunch time. Not the sort of job you want on a hot day!

Mike  gluing on the roof

Talking of jobs you wouldn't want on a hot day Jim H, Mike S and  Dave M drew thew short straw to put the rubber membrane on the roof of our new cabin.
 I think Mike was a glutton for punishment today - he was off later in the evening to serve drinks on the Fish and Chip Special. I hope he got one or two himself - he earned it!

On platform 1C Clive and Roger J were continuing the brick laying. Here you see an interim pier being built so that we can get a smooth curve on the wall.

Down on the driveway Paul from Tecton delivered 3 loads of 100 mm  blocks. Steve Warren and the JCB were on hand to unload them and shift them northwards.

Steve had  a variety of small jobs on hand which he set about with his usual enthusiasm. One of these was to load the dumper (Jo in the saddle) with ballast to grade  the embankment by the bracket post base. It looks far less like a war memorial now!

Left a bit , right a bit.......

Some more work was being carried out inside the cabin (project office).

Lots of great work was done today and I may catch up on some more later - but a  thoroughly enjoyable day.


Unknown said...


Signal box and 1C looking great, I cant believe how much has changed since I visited in September 2012.
I hope to be at the open event on the 23rd can we expect to see the signal?

Nigel Black GW Pway said...

The base was eing welded on yesterday at Winchcombe.

Nigel Black GW Pway said...


Anonymous said...

BAG Open Evening this Friday - YOU ARE COMING AREN'T YOU!`

First time I've seen this mentioned.
23 May.What time please?

Anonymous said...

An "invitation" was posted on this blog on 4th May (click older posts on the bottom RH side - its now 2 pages back!). Open evening from 6.30pm to 8.30pm. The more the merrier!

Anonymous said...

Please can you level up the signal box cam. I'm getting seasick looking at it!


Anonymous said...


If you look at it whilst on a boat I find it makes the experience better.