Blimey that was a panic - Blogger playing up and not loading photos - I hope all is well now.
A great day of activity by the 18 volunteers, on a wide front. As you have seen Jo and a team went to recover a running in board post from Gotherington in the morning and came back looking as pleased as punch. There is something of a refined Harold Steptoe about Jo.
On site the blocks were being laid in smart order.
Spot the white line on platform 2? It looks great - thanks to Graham and Mike for doing the business yet again!.

In parallel with the block laying, more were being retrieved from the northern end, with the help of strong arms and the dumper. The brick laying lads can have no excuse now!
In the afternoon the drains were installed behind the section of blockwork completed. This involves perforated 100mm pipe and loads of pea gravel.
On other fronts, further work was carried out on the Telephone Box door. Our intention is to get it in good order and mount our K2 50:50 Club memebers plaque in time for the Open Evening.

Note my chum Gord in his Stella McCartney hi viz. He looks remarkably perky having shifted 150 or so concrete blocks!
On the concrete block front we had a delivery of 150, 100mm blocks for topping off the blocks already laid.
We also had a cement delivery which is seen here being stashed in the lamp hut.
Finally bricks got cleaned, bricks were recovered from the car park, and good humour shone round.
Thanks everybody!
A great day of activity by the 18 volunteers, on a wide front. As you have seen Jo and a team went to recover a running in board post from Gotherington in the morning and came back looking as pleased as punch. There is something of a refined Harold Steptoe about Jo.
On site the blocks were being laid in smart order.
Spot the white line on platform 2? It looks great - thanks to Graham and Mike for doing the business yet again!.

In parallel with the block laying, more were being retrieved from the northern end, with the help of strong arms and the dumper. The brick laying lads can have no excuse now!
In the afternoon the drains were installed behind the section of blockwork completed. This involves perforated 100mm pipe and loads of pea gravel.
On other fronts, further work was carried out on the Telephone Box door. Our intention is to get it in good order and mount our K2 50:50 Club memebers plaque in time for the Open Evening.

Note my chum Gord in his Stella McCartney hi viz. He looks remarkably perky having shifted 150 or so concrete blocks!
On the concrete block front we had a delivery of 150, 100mm blocks for topping off the blocks already laid.
We also had a cement delivery which is seen here being stashed in the lamp hut.
Finally bricks got cleaned, bricks were recovered from the car park, and good humour shone round.
Thanks everybody!
when might there be news on the planning application so the signal box and waiting room footings can go in? Will be nice to see the gap closed on 2
I am intrigued by your ability to recover so much usable material from within the site. After station closure, I imagined BR would have ruthlessly bulldozed all the structures, reducing them to dust and rubble. Have you any way of knowing the extent of what still lies under the ground or does it simply await discovery?
It simply awaits discovery. What assists is that generally the natural lay of the original embankments and cuttings is fairly obvious to us and anything that stands proud of this is a possible source. We are gradually re shaping the embankments back to the original and that is when "treasure" is found!
Do you think the signal box will be commenced this year and will platform one be extended further in the Honeybourne direction?
We stand a good chance of starting the signal box this year. No further work is planned on platform 1. We will continue with platform 2 until it is the same length as platform 1 currently.
Walking through St Mary's Churchyard in Cheltenham Town Centre earlier I noticed a half demolished building there, looks like there are loads of red Victorian bricks there in good nick... May be worth investigating for possible use at Broadway! ;)
You are not alone Bill. I had trouble pleading pictures for the C and W blog as well.
Not directly related to this page, but rather to all blog pages. Please can you tell me why I don't see anything which will let me play the Great British Railway Journeys soundtracks. You say in the right hand column that there should be something at the bottom of the page to let me play them back. I use the Firefox browser and play audio and video all the time so I don't think there is anything wrong with my browser setup.
The utility is normally at the foot of the page and works ok. on Explorer and perfect on Safari, although my sister complains it doesn't seem to work on her version of explorer. I will investigate and see if there is some better across the platform utility I can use. If you hear of one let me know!
Hi in photo 1 there is some sort of concrete footings excavated, it looks like a time team dig. is it the foundations for platform 2's original waiting room/? mat
I tried the blog in Internet Exploder (sic) and lo and behold I could see the music player. Just gave it a listen and enjoyed it very much :-) No idea why the player doesn't show up on Firefox tho'
Best wishes,
Re concrete footings- these belong to the old platform 2 waiting room which we are replacing.
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