The main action was the continuing of the block laying on Platform 2. Even the odd heavy downpour did not deter the troops from pressing on with the task in hand. Even Mike on brick cleaning(right and below) kept the rhythm going.
Blue skies did reappear from time to time!
We had a welcome visitor in Pete from Building Services, who brought up 100 blue bricks from Winchcombe for us. Here Mike is cleaning up the delivery, ready for use on Platform 2.
Not only did Pete bring the bricks up, but stayed for the rest of the day, helping with the block laying. Pete has the experience of many years with the GWR to share - we are novices in comparison!
I'm not sure that he will appreciate this photo but his help and hard work was much appreciated today.
Those that were u/s were taken by Jim in the dumper and laid as infill behind Platform 2. These will be covered by ballast, levelled and rolled to the red marks on the inner wall, ready for the lamppost sockets to be set in.
On other fronts brick cleaning continued. We really do have a great stock of cleaned bricks to go into 2.
Its often difficult mid project to see and measure progress. The lads know they go home tired and weary but can't always see the great progress made. It's only visitors who come once every six months or so that comment on the huge steps forward being made. They can see it, I know it, and everyone should feel well please! Onward and upwards on Wednesday.
to your volunteers, writing from thousands of miles away, you are doing a fantastic job and i am sure are an inspiration to all who read this blog.
Bill and Broadway team I watch this blog at least twice a week, the results of the work you are putting in is truly awsome
We simply follow your excellent blog , amazing what you have all achieved
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