Monday 4 February 2013

A Monday Special!

Bob White organised a special bricklaying session today. A gang of four pressed on with Platform 2, taking advantage of a reasonable day weatherwise - Thanks everyone!

And a selection of Pictures from Bob - the finished corbelling on Platform 2 is looking superb!


Anonymous said...

Looking Fantastic! - Just a quick question in regards to the Exminster Signal box... Does the GWSR still intend to reuse this at Broadway or will it be discarded, also does the Railway still own the Turntable? I remember being told there was one being stored at Toddington some time ago. Would be fantastic to see both artifacts used in the future!

kind regards,

Jason - Bishops Cleeve

Anonymous said...

Nah- the turntable was sold to China for scrap years ago and the signal box was useful for lighting the fires in the locos...

Bill said...

I will publish a picture of the planned Broadway Signal Box shortly.
I'm sure the GWSR will get a turntable eventually!

Toddington Ted said...

I believe that the Exminster signal box has now been transferred, in kit form, to the Forest of Dean (I'm not sure where and this might not be accurate but I believe I read about it somewhere relatively recently!). The turntable arrived in sections from Ashford in Kent back in the early 1980s but has never been installed as there were always more pressing issues. I'm not sure whether a previous poster's remarks were a joke or true but it would seem unlikely that the turntable is still at Toddington and could well have been cut up for scrap. Ideally of course a turntable should be positioned at the end of the line, at Cheltenham race course but the question of where you actually could site it (if it still exists of course) as there is no suitable room at CRC at least at present.

mack said...

actually, ive looked on google earth and just past hunting butts tunnel their is a patch of land and the turntable could be built on that

Anonymous said...

I think the turntable Iain Toddington Yard , but is to be sold for scrap shortly, I am surprised no other Railway wantedit

Geoff said...

Even if a turntable could be squeezed in at the Race Course, it is a bit pointless without another or a turning triangle at the other end of the line (although I guess both could be done at Honeybourne)

Anonymous said...

dream on