Saturday 7 July 2012

Saturday 7th July 2012

An away day for me today, accompanying her ladyship at the Hampton Court Flower Show! A good day but not so much fun as Broadway!

8 Volunteers turned out today and a task force set to at clearing up the residue of the tree surgeon's work during the week. The right sort of job for day when the weather was very uncertain.

Not the traditional way of getting smoke from tyres! Steve Bucknall feeds the bonfire. Dot gets in on the action also, shifting the bulkier stuff.

The end result is extremely pleasing! Here are the pines, stripped of dead branches, and the station approach looking neat and tidy.

Finally the end of play analysis with Bernard , Dave and Steve - they look as thought they've had a few shandies! They wish!

Robin carried on with the Wisley brick cleaning. Robin, having been instrumental in reclaiming the bricks from Wisley seems determined to make sure every one is cleaned and ready for use!

Thanks to Jo for the photos and the update on the days proceedings.

Back to normal next week!


Toddington Ted said...

Bernard is feeling the effects of inflation!

Bill said...

Quantitive Easing may be the answer!

Anonymous said...

Perhaps he should come to Broadway and join in the hard graft a bit more!

Bill said...

I think we will find that Bernard has done more hard graft than the rest of us put together!

Anonymous said...

The thing a like about this blog is the regular updates, your only a small band of workers, but you always give a good account of work done, now you would think the main gwsr website would have regular updates given the size of railway they are, but no they simply fall by the wayside!!!
Another thing i would praise you on is your fund raising and your commitment to let people know the amount raised, again very different to the gwsr who seem just to keep upping the amount and not having a clear & regular update!!!
Keep up the good work, maybe the gwsr could learn a thing or two from you!!!!

Anonymous said...

I agree with the last correspondent in respect of the main GWSR website. I believe a lot more time, effort, and perhaps money should be put into it, to raise the profile of the railway.
The swift progress so far at Broadway, is a testament to the hard work and dedication by the likes of Bill, and all the other volunteers who give up their time.
This blog, and the regular updates of it ,are a huge contributory factor into the funds raised, and progress made.
Chris in France

Anonymous said...

Correwct- the GWSR website has cobwebs on it! Is their webmaster asleep on the job?

Bill said...

It's much easier to update a simple blog than a whole website! The webmaster does a great job.

Roger said...

It is a good website most of the time, but the current "latest news" is 3 weeks and 2 days old. But the loco roster for instance is usually right up to date.

However "Latest News" is the "front door" and that doesn't give any one a warm feeling that we are on the ball.

Anonymous said...

in reply to comment No8 don't forget that the railway employs people now, they operate on more days, they have a lot more scope for news, be it latest news or a report from the many different departments etc! So like your blog, Nigel Black p-way and C&W to name a few you all manage to give updates, and often more than once a week so to have no update for over 3 weeks is just poor

Anonymous said...

Still, the only comment i'll make is that the GWR in my opinion has one of the best quality websites amongst all preserved lines (especially compared to a certain extending sussex railway), and whilst the lack of updates can be a little dissapointing sometimes, at least we have all these different blogs from Broadway, to Carriage & Wagon and P Way to at least be happy and content with.

Anonymous said...

There could be a simple explanation as to why the web site has not been updated recently. As it is holiday season the web master could be on holiday or he may be unwell.

I don't think that there is much point in being too negative until we know the proper reason.

Anonymous said...

You might well be right, but if that is the case, either he or someone could post a short message to say that there will be no updates for some time.

It is after all the height of our operating season.