Thursday, 5 July 2012

New Format!

Well, followers, I need to change the format of the blog now and then to keep up with Carriage and Wagon and all of the other excellent  blogs and Websites around.
On the header we have the absolutely superb steam railmotor No. 93 lovingly restored at Didcot. The railmotors were in common use on the Honeybourne line the early part of the 20th century. For more information go to I hope we can see No 93 and its Partner No 92 at Broadway.

Also Russells Restaurant have agreed to be a Blog Partner.  I can recommend their cuisine! Thank you Russells.


Anonymous said...

Bill, I'd just like to say that your professionalism when dealing with critical posts, your dedication in providing excellent reports and photography on a regular basis, and your enthusiasm to the whole project, has made reading this blog and supporting it a delight.. 100 mile away builder again lol :)

Bill said...

Thank you for your kind comments.

Anonymous said...

agree with anon- it's easy to snipe from the armchair

chris2600 said...

we in North America are constantly astounded by the feats of the Preservation movement in the UK.
It is great to read of your achievments on an on-going basis and we wish you continued success.
Negative people are usually very unhappy, mostly with themselves.