Wednesday, 14 March 2012

Wednesday 14th March 2012 - A Record Attendance!

I am pleased to say that the combined Volunteer/Student attendance today was 28+ - I lost count but it was a great sight seeing so many orange hi viz vests. Thank you all for coming.

The focus of the construction work was on the 1B Platform wall. Volunteers and Students combined to bring the final few days of brick laying in sight.

 At the other end of the site more coping slabs have been laid on 1A to about the half way point. Here we see the finished result in the end of day sunshine.

We have had loads of enquiries as to progress on Platform 2A and today we started a big push to do the preliminary setting out and moving materials within reach.

Here we see the cleaned off footings marked out with the line of wall  In the foreground you can see the first of a number of inspection holes dug to assess the state of the footings.

In anticipation of work proceeding in the near future some 150 blocks have been moved from the north end to the south.

Here Dot is doing what Dot does best!

And finally the blocks are deposited adjacent to the southern end of 2A. Thanks again to everyone who turned out today including Pete and his buddy from Building Services at Winchcombe, Mark Young who gave us a steer on the next steps on  the 2A footings and  of course to our posse of brick cleaners who are the unsung heroes of the volunteers at Broadway.

PS Jo's is back with his camera!


richard said...

Stunning progress from the Broadway team Bill.
Is the plan to reuse to original platform 2 footing?


Anonymous said...

Dear Sir

Sorry to be a pedant, but in reference to your reports referring to your 'official photographer', Jo.
'Jo' is the abbreviation for 'Joanne' or 'Joanna'.

I therefore had pictured in my mind a buxom blonde goddess doing the photography for you.

Imagine my disappointment to realise 'Jo' is a 'Joseph', abbreviated in the wrong gender form!

Yours, a disappointed, but still supportive follower.

Anonymous said...

are those old sleeper in the photo original Broadway ones excavated by the digger?

Bill said...

Richard, I think that a section of the old footings is useable but I have yet to run this past the Director responsible. I will advise over the next week or so.

Anonymous(1) We can all dream.....
Anonymous(2) The sleepers are from Stanton we have only found 1 Broadway sleeper and it was well past it!

Charles said...

This is wonderful progress, who'd have thought it! And many thanks for the station plan. Yes, the brick cleaners, without them nothing is possible. So appreciate these regular posts.

Anonymous said...

Ah, my secret is out, I am a 60 year old greying male :), handy with a camera and a keying hammer.

My stepbrother is a 'Jo' and so was the former leader of the Liberal party, so there are several of us about.


Anonymous said...

I am sure you will but make sure there is enough space between the platforms for 2 tracks BEFORE you start building platform two.