Sunday, 18 March 2012

Saturday 17th March 2012 - Part1 Broadway

The Volunteers who were not off on a jolly continued the work on Platform 1B. This is John Crawford's report:-

Hi Bill,
Hope you and the lads had a good day in Swindon.
Work has continued apace and the small but beautifully formed group comprising Ken,Clive,John C,Bob and new member Brian made up the famous five for the day.
Pointing on 1A slabs was completed up to the last slab laid on Wednesday and Clive continued the plain bricklaying on 1B and by mid morning had laid the LAST BRICK in the main wall leaving only the corbelling to be completed.  John and Clive combined forces and laid nearly all the remaining first course corbelling while Bob provided back up and efforts were made to correct some rather wonky rear brickwork - more to follow on Wednesday.  Ken and Brian concentrated on cleaning and stocking up the bricklayers piles of blue bricks for the final push on Wednesday next which may well see all brickwork on 1B COMPLETED  -  WATCH THIS SPACE .
Regret no pictures this week  - all photographers taking picy's down in Swindon.
John C

This is great progress indeed and I am hopeful that the Worcester College Students can help finish the corbelling off and lay a couple of coping slabs before they take there Easter break.

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