Sunday, 22 January 2012

Some Very Welcome Visitors.....

I  had the good fortune to be able to chat to Audie Baker's Parents today, when they paid us a visit to see progress and browse around Margurite's Shed. Audie Baker wrote the book "An Illustrated History of the Stratford on Avon to Cheltenham Railway" which has been the source of much of my knowledge and  inspiration  for my work at Broadway.
Audie Baker passed away prematurely in 2009 at the age of 52(see tribute), but his love of the GWR is passed on through his book and remains for posterity. Maurice Baker, Audie's dad spoke lovingly about his son and his emotions brought a tear to my eye. It never seems right that a father out live a son - it is not the order of things. On an optimistic note, however Audie's unfinished "next book" is being finished off for a possible publication. Lets hope so.

Keep an eye on us Audie.........


Jim Boyles said...

Hi Bill,
I am envious of you for having met Audie's parents and thrilled by the news that a second volume of his work is in preparation. My copy of his "Illustrated History......" comes from Broadway Library by virtue of (almost) permanent borrowing!! I have been unable to find a copy to purchase, except at exorbitant prices on Amazon, etc.
As you know, the book is now out of print. I was put in touch with the publishers by Alan Bielby but, unfortunately, they no longer have films, or plates, in order to arrange a reprint.
As I believe this would be a great asset for the Railway, I would be very happy to help with re-producing the original book, if Audie's family have any original material, which could be updated and reused and they are willing.
Would you be able to help in this respect?
As you are aware, due to my personal situation, I have been unable to be a "physical" volunteer at Broadway as yet but this would be right up my street!!

Bill said...

Hi Jim,
Unfortunately all the materials were destroyed in a fire and therefore there is no possibility. I feel lucky to have a signed copy myself.