Wednesday, 14 December 2011

Wednesday 14th December 2011 - in Brief!

Probably the final Wednesday working this year and the hardy regulars made the most of it. There was a concentrated effort at getting the 1B reinforced foundations finished and the combined efforts of the Worcester College Lads and the Construction Gang gave it their all.  Work began on ballasting up the foundations in order to get a decent level surface to launch into the bricklaying proper.

We always have  a string of interesting visitors on Site.  Today my short visit coincided with a visit by Volunteer Mike T and a colleague who gifted us a superb Waterlow & Sons Edmundson  Ticket Dater, which when re furbished can be use in the Broadway Station Ticket Office. The date in the machine of its last  day of use is 24th May 1968 - I wonder what date we will have to set it to to start its new life????
If anyone has any info on these machines, please let us know - I think there is going to be a rush of interested volunteers to refurbish it as winter project - me included!

See one in use at on the Bluebell

Jo R stepped into the breach with some great photos

Roger's labour of love on Platform 1

The Worcester College Lads getting it right!

Putting the World to rights

This is an excellent shot of virtually the whole of Platform 1.
It takes little imagination to visualise the station sitting nicely in the middle of it!
What shouldn't go unsaid is that my 3 chums in the picture are those who are on site fair wind of foul and are due  several rounds of beers!

Steptoes junk yard? No 1000's hrs of hard work

Results from our new Fire Starter Jo R (and great photographer)


Ken said...


What happened to the Minced Pies?

Still a few bits to do on Saturday.

Bill said...

Terry asked me to get some - failed 0/10 but I noticed Mike Trowman had a box in hand 10/10

richard said...

Bill the "Great View of 1B foundations" photo shows off the impressive work the team have done in 2011. I so enjoy reading this blog and look forward to seeing more of the great work in 2012

Hope you all have a wonderful Christmas break.


Bill said...

Thanks Richard - you are a great supporter!

Anonymous said...

Hi everyone,

I am sorry I could not make it on Wednesday, Bill confirms that I did try to arrange for the mince pies to appear. I will make up for it in the New Year!

I would like to wish everyone a happy and relaxing Christmas and I look forward to starting afresh in the New Year with all you fantastic volunteers and friends.
