A great deal of preparation work was done in setting out Platform 1A. Ron Briz in some shorts from Costa Del Lottle (very trendy!) led the charge at setting out the platform wall alignment. This was completed ready for the start of building next week. All the materials have been moved into place and the wall should be well on the way to completion by the end of the year, funds permitting.
You will notice also that the inspection chambers on the central drainage have been built up to their correct height and covered. (See pic on the right) This is to both protect the drains which have been cleaned and to get the the correct perspective on the first courses of blocks in the wall.

More to report on Saturday!
I see you had a visit from Nigel Black, I do miss his photos of PW progress. (Fotopic went down a while back and the GWSR web site still points to it).
If you see him could you ask him whether he could continue it elsewhere please?
Regards and thanks for this wonderful blog, Howard
should be what you are looking for
Many thanks indeed, most helpful. Pity that the official site Permanent way department page still points to the redundant Fotopic sites. I sent an email to the GWSR adress about it ages ago but it was ignored. Perhaps you good peopple with your closer contacts could succeed where I failed.
I live remotely but hope to visit when next passing through, all the best with your great work.
Although not strictly on the subject of the Broadway Platform, I could not help but notice that even current photographs of the extant GWR Station at Hall Green show an almost identical layout to the Footbridge and End Canopy that used to exist at Broadway. I apologise for stating the bloomin' obvious as I'm sure the restoration group already knows this but the Hall Green example would make an excellent template, the only difference seems to be that the Station Building at Hall Green is even longer than Broadway. Isuppose, if it is decided to "redevelop" Hall Green....? Apologies if you are all over this but I thought it was worth mentioning.
Dear Howard,
I truely hope you dont think Your comment was ignored by the GWR Webmaster, he works very hard to keep as many varied articles flowing and the site serviced.
Link on the main website updated and see you have already found it.
Thanks for picking it up.
Darren Fairley
Is it possible to get a link to this blog from the main website under the section "Support the GWR, Volunteering, Broadway Area Group" If you look at it currently it looks as if nothing is happening at Broadway. I have asked the GWR Webmaster but nothing has happened.
Hi Terry,
Will sort with Bill, article being prepared to bring up to speed to date.
Thanks Darren,
I understand the article you mention will probably appear under "Enthusiasts, Departments, Broadway Station" on the main GWSR website, but it would be useful to have the link to this blog under the other section I mentioned. Can this be arranged, please?
At a time when there is so much doom and gloom about on the railway, we should be making the most of this good news story.
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