Wednesday 29 June 2011

Wednesday 29th June 2011 - What a Great Day!

A day when it all seemed to go like clockwork!

The main task was to get the infill completed on the northern end of the platform and with Graham Morrison and his JCB we did it! There was a huge amount of hardcore and ballast require to level the ground behind the northern end of the platform. I lost count of the number of buckets shifted  by the JCB and levelled by the trusty gang with shovels. But the result was fantastic. The adjacent picture doesn't do it justice! It just needs to be rolled and you could land a jumbo jet on it.

Whilst this activity was going on Ron  and Gordon started pointing up the slabs. It was a fiddly job and took the best part of the day. The end result is excellent!

Peter H  extended the cross tracks water supply pipe with a view to setting up a standpipe closer to platform 1A. He plans to extend the electricity supply in the same way and has started the task of erecting an electrical cabinet. This is work in progress and I am sure will be completed as soon as Peter lays his hands on the required armoured cable.

Andy, Rod and Steve started the arduous task of replacing the centre drain concrete blocks. It looks like a delicate task until you see the finishing off process!

Last but not least a the Brick Gang worked tirelessly all day on cleaning the Wisley bricks. It was one of those days were, if I mentioned every ones valiant efforts I would need a blog page per day. It was a brilliant day - enough said!

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