However there was work to be done elsewhere. The first port of call is the Signal Box. There JC, Tony and Paul were moving materials onto the new scaffolding platform. This consisted of firstly getting the hoist going and then lifting barrow loads of bricks onto the working platform.

To say it was chilly up there would be an understatement. Here JC is gradually turning from red to blue. No bricks could be laid today but everything is set for the next fair-weather day.

The next port of call is over the driveway to the preparation of the hard-standing for our new bric a brac Shed. A birds eye view here, yours truly setting up the laser level to get the slab base level.

Mike S, Terry and Jo did all the hard work of shovelling the sharp sand and unloading the slabs. Good progress was made, and 10 of the 50 slabs were laid before close of play. In the background Vic is filling a dumpy bag with rubbish collected from the patch of ground beyond.

Back up to platform 2B where the enclosure for the footbridge span was progressing nicely. Pete Dave, Brian and Jim were braving the wind to get the final sections connected. Cladding with reinforced clear plastic comes next!

Having rolled the section of ballast added on Saturday to 1C, it is time to turn the attention to fitting out the platform with some of the utilities. Here a line side cabinet is maneuvered past the containers and into position. Terry, Rod and Mike are on the "case".

Finally a flail was heard this afternoon in the planned car park, where we are clearing the whole area to carry out a full assessment of what needs doing to optimize the use of this area for parking.
Well done all. Enough to freeze the B...s off a brass monkey. (Old Naval Term). I don't envy you boys. Maintaining Helicopters in Northern Norway many years ago I didn't care for but there was no wind even though many below zero and you boys have to to be out in the wind while Bill cracks the whip!
Fantastic progress. Will the embankment be cleared to the new fence line in time do you think?
11 posts to go, to reach an amazing 1000 posts on this blog!
How about rewarding Bill with a donation to the station rebuilding fund - see top of the page !
Will there be a cake :-)
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