We are putting in a determined effort to get the Platform 2 infill complete this week. To this end we are trying to maximise the hire of a 3t excavator and 2t dumper. A small but beautifully formed team turned out today and this is Jo's report:-
- Completing the
protection of the ducting at the northern end by covering it in sand, then
- Adding a layer of Mythe spoil from the car park all along the length of the completed section of platform 2, and then
- Covering same in a layer of ash recovered from the siding space outside the goods shed, to a depth of two bricks below platform slab level. To complete the day, this was then rolled.
We all felt rather pleased at the end of the day, having moved and placed a lot of material. One final layer remains to be added, as well as further back filling with earth of the vertical slabs at the rear.
We were amused to
be met by a cyclist at the end of the day. “Building site – do not enter” – how
much clearer should we word this?
What a great job - thanks to all who worked so hard to keep us on schedule, yesterday and today. It doesn't seem fair to single out praise, but John Crawford's been working all week and we couldn't have done it without his dedicated effort.
Hi Bill,
4 volunteers on
site, on this additional day aimed at making maximum use out of the hired 3 Ton
digger and 2 ton dumper.
Next to John C at
the controls of the digger, we had two dumper drivers Steve B and myself, as
well as Brian T in charge of the rake, a crucial job to flatten out the spoil
heaps that regularly arrived behind platform 2.
- Adding a layer of Mythe spoil from the car park all along the length of the completed section of platform 2, and then
- Covering same in a layer of ash recovered from the siding space outside the goods shed, to a depth of two bricks below platform slab level. To complete the day, this was then rolled.
We all felt rather pleased at the end of the day, having moved and placed a lot of material. One final layer remains to be added, as well as further back filling with earth of the vertical slabs at the rear.

Best regards,
As for the cyclist ... arrogance I think its called......
Doesn't trespassing on railway land carry a fine of upto £1000
The railway needs money, so fine the ignorant cyclist!!!
Having said that, when doing the trackwalks or working in the p-way dept occasionally you come across people (idiots) totally oblivious to the dangers of the "live" railway, one guy in particular thought it was so unfair that the railway should own all this land and that he had every right to be there!!
Keep up the good work chaps, the p-way dept will get there one day...........maybe :-)
There is a possibly large supply of bricks from a number of red brick 19th century buildings that are being demolished in Redditch near to the towns railway. Work has started but the link below has the story in the local paper - could these be chased up for Broadway at all? The buildings could potentially provide a massive amount of bricks for your cause!
Hope this may be of some use!
While waiting to photograph the first train of the day at Kayte Farm Crossing one morning I saw a veritable procession of joggers run past. Apparently the trackbed became an established route for local joggers in the years while it was disused, and they don't see why they should stop now...
Once, when I was travelling on the NYMR the train had to do an emergency stop because of a motorcyclist riding along the track!
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