Friday 30 August 2013

Planning Application Decision - 30th August 2013

Wychavon District Council have approved the GWSR Planning Application  for 3 Buildings at the Broadway Station Site. The details can be found at :

Congratulations, on behalf of the Broadway Area Group, to Alan Bielby,  the  GWSR Projects Director, for his hard work in preparing the application and managing the approval process.



John R said...

Excellent news. Good to see that the one potential hurdle did not in the event materialise. I presume the conditions given do not give any cause for concern?

Now let's hope for a successful launch to the share appeal!

stuart said...

Congratulations! Well deserved.

Anonymous said...

Well done!!!! Great news!

Anonymous said...

Goody goody!

Toddington Ted said...

Well done! This marks the next stage of one of what will be one of the finest heritage railway lines in the UK (if it isn't already!)Just superb!

David P said...

Wonderul news!