Wednesday 29 May 2013

Wednesday and back to Normal!

The wall line awash with orange....

Well almost back to normal. There was a fine drizzle coming down that kept up most of the day, and no matter what you were wearing you got wet! Bricklaying was on the cusp of a 'no go' but  several hundred got laid in the end - that's grit and determination. Not least with keeping the muck coming - here Paul shows how its done....

Paul C - Best action shot for some time!
 [Roger Brindley emailed me with the following details:-

I completed a section of blues to finish off the line..
I then moved onto setting up the corbeling marker bricks using the laser.
This was then followed by laying the first (3rd) of the first line of Corbeling on platform 2 ( Central
Bob completed a line of blues, while Tony,Peter H and Steve back filled all levels with Reds.

Not bad considering the weather.]

The other part of the exercise today was to seek out as many cleaned, usable reds  as we have  tucked away around the site. Several red brick pallets were checked for "B" grade brick content.

Sure enough there were some found, and here Mike S  (Mr Rambling Boy) stands in front of those heading for the bricklayers.

Rod on the final flush

On other fronts the water flow in the centre drains was checked out. It was running a bit slowly through one section. The rods came out and we end ended up by giving the drain a"big flush".

In the background today you could hear saws and hammers doing there stuff, and of course the chipping of the brick cleaners. I've been told that the weather is going to improve for June - we certainly deserve it! Thanks everyone!

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