Saturday 9 March 2013

A Saturday with a Difference!

The Motley Crew
 John Blofield suggested we took a trip down to Laverton to see the first steam hauled train arrive to use the run around loop at Laverton. Not that anyone wanted to abandon the tidying up going on on site but at 11:15 we all jumped in the cars and off we went! Jo had his trusty camera to hand and took the following series of photos:-

John and I determined not to miss the photo opportunity!

5542 was in fine fettle as it arrived and we took the opportunity to parade our Broadway advertising. To a man we were all contemplating the day when the first train steams into Broadway Station - what a day that will be!

5542 goes gently around the loop.

Back to base we were able to set to with renewed vigor on the Saturday tidy up - shifting clutter and clearing the hedge line. Hilary Roesen came along to continue the tidy up of the car park flower border.

A different day and a good day to contemplate  the exciting future prospect of  Steaming to Broadway!!!!
Away she went!

We enjoyed the moment!


andrew said...

Has much track has been laid between Laverton bridge and Broadway

Toddington Ted said...

No, not yet.

Toddington Ted said...

Superb photos folks, what a sight! Somewhere I've seen photos of a 55xx stopping at Laverton Halt in the 1950s, now we can see it again. Broadway next stop!