Saturday 21 July 2012

Saturday 21st July 2012

The first warm Summer's day for ages and 12 volunteers came to enjoy the sunshine.  Saturdays are always very relaxed and to a degree doing what takes your fancy. In no particular order then:

The ducting was put in with  draw cords for the 1B lampposts. A fiddly job this, making sure all the ducting and curves are in alignment and that the draw cords run smoothly. Not a lot to see from a picture point of view, its all buried under sand and ballast now, but John C, Jim H  and Bob W did a first class job!

Robin doing his best to ignore the inferno behind him

More spectacular from a picture point of view are the couple of bonfires we had going to get rid of the dead wood from the trees. Hottest day of July so far and a bonfire? Dave (fire starter) Bowie  felt the brick cleaners need to sweat a bit more!

John S and Roger with angle grinders buzzing
Further Northwards  3 lampposts are being finished off for for Platform 1B. Another pains taking task, but very rewarding when you see the result.

At the other end of the site the Viewing platform got a coat of paint and some anti slip wire on the steps. The Routemaster is doing its stuff between Toddington and Broadway next Saturday - come and see us and road test the viewing platform!

We are always please to have visiting Heritage Railway Volunteers join us for  a taster day and Jo's friend from Holland, Robbie Bergsma, is a member of  the SSN steam depot at Rotterdam ( and main line driver of Pacific 01.1075, helped out on the K6 Box. Having spent all day removing paint, painting on rust inhibitor and finally getting a coat of red oxide on. Thanks to Robbie and also his wife and Hilary who were happy(?) to let then play for the day!

Finally a few other photo studies from today:-

Dave Bowie painting the Viewing Platform

John Blofield - always beavering away
Andy P Master Strimmer

Passion with Phonebox

1 comment:

Mike Bond said...

What will go on top of the lampposts - do you have lanterns?