There was a great turn out of 17 volunteers today and focused their efforts on two major activities.
Platform 1A

Two cement mixers kept 3 teams going along the 1A Wall. Two teams worked on the block work and Ron and Ken worked on the blue bricks on the Ramp. Tremendous progress was made on all fronts, with Oz Colin Betteridge joining the block laying team and the combined efforts nearly saw us out of blocks (again) I am reluctant to say slow down chaps but Slow down!
Storage Shed
A 12x8 shed donated through the good offices of Andrew Goodman seemed to rise up out of nowhere, had new roofing felt put on and apart from a missing pane of glass is ready to use. It was a remarkable effort by the 4 lads who slogged away at it all day.

Finally the sign carefully made by Chris Bowles was lettered up with PLATFORM 1A and mounted on the bank. It certainly looks the part!
Finally thanks for visits yesterday by Mark Smith who brought a small stash of good blue bricks for us and Also Jo Roesen an avid railway enthusiast, who is returning from Belgium and hopes to join us full time.
Blimey! Astounding progress! Platform 2 soon then I guess!
1B next TT!
That sign certainly does look the part! Excellent work all round, chaps.
Good (or, doubtful,)news is that I am hoping to attend a GWR induction day on Sun. 18th Sept. So trust that, shortly after that I be able to (officially) get in your way on Wednesdays!
Oh, by the way, where will platform 1B, be?
I hope the recent inclusion of this weblog's details in the main GWSR site's news section (on the doubling of track at Honeybourne) has contributed to greater interest in what you are achieving. With nothing in its Broadway section I had no idea what was happening at the station site. Seems like this serious omission has been corrected. I hope you feel more loved now!
You Tube: "NORTH WARWICK RAILWAY 1970'S RAIL TRIP" shows what a great match for Broadway the now derelict and decaying Henley in Arden station would be (I know the plan is to new-build, but I hate to see Henley with the neglect visited upon it by NR).
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