Wednesday 20 July 2011

Wednesday 20th July 2011

What a sight it was to see so many volunteers spread across the site today - thanks everyone! Its difficult, when so much and varied work is being carried out, to single out any one thing to report. The things I snapped with my phone on the way out were the fence in progress by the B&B. This will better secure the driveway boundary and the fence posts form the rear abutment to some sleepers we are purloining from Stanton to act as a retaining edge for levelling the area. More to report on this next week.

Peter H spent most of the day completing the relaying of the temporary electrical cable behind the platform wall. No small task. Steve Long had been to see us on Saturday to give us a steer on the correct cables between junction boxes. This now having been completed, Steve will call in by sometime and complete the wiring.

The target for the main cable is our newly renovated electrical cabinet which got a final coat of silver paint  today. I meant to tell Neil Carr, who was on site today that this was the one he extricated from the pile at Winchombe for me - he wouldn't recognise it now!

If I was to pick on one thing as the task of the day, it was the clearing up of the trackbed adjacent to the platform. It is so easy with a lot of jobs running, for the working area to look like Steptoe's Junk Yard. Well nobody could say that of  our site at the moment - it looks great!

We had a good session over the lunch hour discussing our options for further fund raising and some possible ideas will be followed up over the coming weeks. There is a scurrilous rumour going around the Railway that we at Broadway are floating around in money. Well lets knock that one on the head! The funds we do have have been gradually built up through generous donations from the Friends of Broadway Station and from revenue from sales tables etc. Our investment in the footings for 1A will take all the spare money we have. Our bank balance will be back to zero!

We had a welcome visit from Darren Fairley and Neil Carr this afternoon. We had a brief chat about progress  to date and our plans for 1A. I was left with  impression that we are in good shape and that, with a few i's dotting, our plans for 1A are sound. On this basis we will proceed with the work to replace the old footings next week. The job should be finished by the end of the week.

PS My sincere thanks go to a generous chap who brought along 100 "Days Gone By" model cars,( all boxed and as new) as a donation. I meant to take time out to thank him, and didn't get the chance. I will make sure we get the best value from them - any suggestions or offers???


Anonymous said...

Did you see that there are 4 GWR platform cast iron columns for sale in the latest issue of 'Tractionads'?
Canopy or lamp posts is not clear to me.
Best regards,

Bill said...

Cheers Jo,
I will investigate.

Belgrade said...

Bill, I've got a lot of 50-yr-old Hornby O-gauge stuff at my sister's place near Cambridge that she wants me to sort through next month with a view to auctioning. I'm happy for the Broadway team to have this if anyone can get to Cambridge to collect the stuff. I live in Belgrade, come to the UK from time to time and don't have a car; otherwise I'd have been down to Broadway much earlier.
You can email me if you want at (assuming the Blog will allow email addresses).
Cheers, Steve

Bill said...

I will email you tomorrow Steve