Wednesday 6 April 2011

Sun Shining on Both Sides of the Hedges!

Wednesday 6th April 2011

Warm sunshine greeted the Construction Team today. The finishing touches have been made to the wayward wall and all was right with the world! So confident are we that plans are in place to retrieve some coping slabs from Winchcombe and top out this section of wall.

Last but not least we had  very welcome visit from an Australian presevation enthusiast (C L Betteridge) who would like to spend some time this Summer with the GWRS. I have copied his profile as follows - it explains Chris's background better than I can! (PS Apolgies if I have't got the name quite right - remembering names - not my strong point!)

"I have been active in preservation in Victoria Australia since the mid 1970s. After spending about 15 years associated with narrow gauge activities a move in residence brought me in contact with main line preservation and operation. For the last 20 years this has been my focus. The majority of those 20 years has been in management. I have a keen interest and expertise in signalling and track works and developed skills in both steam and diesel locomotive maintenance and restoration. I currently manage a fleet of 10 operational main line locomotives and associated carriages.

I will be holidaying in the UK (based in Cheltenham) for six months from 31 March. I am looking forward to being involved in GWRS activities including Steaming to Broadway as well as per-way and S&T."

Now this would qualify for the furthest commuting Volunteer!

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