Contrary to all the weather forecasts it was beautiful day and this carried across into the volunteers efforts. It was the day of the Broadway Horticultural Show and I helped Gordon W and John B man the "Friends of Broadway Station" stall. We met many enthusiastic and supportive people all keen to hear about progress and of course the answer to the familiar question "when will we see trains at Broadway?". We had many generous donations, purchases of merchandise and people wishing to subscribe to the membership of Friends of Broadway Station. Thanks to everyone who came to chat and personal thanks to John and Gordon for making it an enjoyable day.

Back on the Station Site work continued on building the Platform 1 wall. A meeting between the troops concluded we could continue work as previously planned. Much back breaking work was carried out shifting and placing the concrete blocks ready for laying. The progress made was quite brilliant!

In addition some much needed tree/shrub clearance was completed and as you can see in

theabove picture the cabin is visible again!
And finally for info. the North West wing wall on the Evesham Road is being reconstructed. here it is having lost the contest with the JCB. More news on this activity later!
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