Saturday 12 June 2010

Saturday 12th June

A funny sort of day - everyone working on their own with not much to say !

For my part with Dave B.'s help I erected the new Notice Board at the Bottom of the Drive. It didn't seem right without cohort Peter their but I couldn't carry it around in my car any longer!

In addition I cleared some of the old Station footings to position some "what was where" signs in the old station. Something for visitors to see when we are not there!


stevebaker70 said...

is it wise to attract visitors to Broadway- haven't there been enough break-ins, etc?

Bill said...

Morning Steve,
By far the majority of visitors to the Broadway Site have a genuine interest in our progress and a desire for us to succeed in our endeavours. In recognition of that I feel it's only fair to provide as much info. as possible and demonstrate we are committed to achieving our Goal.
Thanks for your comment though - it is much appreciated and I would encourage as much constructive feedback as possible!

stevebaker70 said...

I called by today on the way back from Devon- mentally it does bring the old photos back to life, seeing the excvated foundations (also the down platform)