Our Guide and Mentor Jim Graham has resigned from his position as Broadway Project Leader. The resignation resulted from the new GWR Chairman flexing his muscles and appointing a new Project Manager, Alan Bielby as the "Man in Charge" at Broadway. The rights and wrongs of this are not for airing here(at the moment) but please recognise someone that Jim is highly regarded and respected by the current volunteers and we want him back!
Oh dear this is not good!
Why when a new manager is appointed the need for change & ousting takes place.
Dear All,
I have a huge amount of time and respect for Jim and wish him well on his continuing enjoyment at P-Way. I respect Jims reasons for resigning and have no intention of publicizing them here or anywhere else. We will struggle to find such a capable and hard working replacement.
The meeting in question at which I was at and chaired, outlined the draft GWR and GWSR plans for Broadway. Jim was appointed as Project Manager and Alan as Development Manager. We are currently without a Project Manager.
As the GWSR Director that has direct responsibility for Broadway supported by our Chairman (and Im not new either, having been involved with plans for Broadway for over 4 years) and as such I’m not flexing my muscles either but asking for support for the long term strategy that is developing and of which you will be fully involved.
Darren Fairley
Property Director GWSR
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