Saturday 20 September 2014

Saturday 20th September 2014

I hate missing a Saturday at Broadway -Saturdays have been a constant source of enjoyment  for me since I started all those years ago. I missed today, I'm afraid, for reasons beyond my control. Nevertheless a Blog Post  will be winging its way to me and I will post it as soon as I receive it. Bill

And yer tis from Jim H

Today was a somewhat subdued day at Broadway which wasn't helped by the weather which remained dull and cloudy all day.  Still at least it didn't rain!  We had a couple of volunteers off sick today including Bill our leader.  Hurry up and get better Bill, we need you back in the saddle.  Four volunteers were on duty at the Thomas the Tank event, so I suppose a turn out of 9 was quite respectable.

The day started early with Richard from Fairview waiting at the gate by 08:30.  His first delivery of sand, cement and flexible ducting pipe was quickly off loaded.  It wasn't long before he was back with more cement, ballast and reinforcing bar.  So we should be alright for a week or two.

Richard's first delivery

Work on the signal box continued.  Bob assisted by Steve and Ron got the mixer going and by close of play Bob had laid around 150 bricks.  This has got the north face of the SB up to windowsill height and the west face, or rear, complete to this level for about 25% of its length. 

Bob bricklaying in Steve's dust cloud

Steve spent some time with the disc cutter cutting bricks in half, providing a stock of around 50 by lunchtime.  These bricks have holes in them and don't always split neatly in half.  So by cutting in this way we achieve two good half bricks every time which then speeds up the actual laying process later on, and saves wasting bricks that don't split evenly.  Ron operated the hoist lifting and stacking another 300 full size bricks ready for laying next time.
Steve cutting bricks 

Brick cleaning today was in the capable hands of Robin and Peter K who were joined by Colin from the 2807 Group.  Welcome Colin hope you weren't too put of by this somewhat boring task.  We are now getting dangerously low on stocks of bricks for cleaning.  Does anyone know of a potential supply of imperial sizes blue engineering bricks, if so please get in touch.

Peter, Tilly, Colin and Robin brick cleaning
In preparation for burying a cable duct adjacent to our new office Ron did some careful prospecting so we could accurately locate both electricity and water services and thus avoid digging them up later on.  After all he should know where the electricity cable went as he put it in in the first place.
Ron fills in his exploratory holes
Dave B kept busy all day on useful little jobs.  He has now finished the fencing and sign erection adjacent to the main electricity supply box by the main road and has also repaired the gate to the viewing platform which wasn't shutting properly.
Robin & Dave talking to visitors
Yours truly did a bit of good housekeeping in amongst taking photos and chatting to visitors.  We had someone from Australia today and one gentleman who is training to be a signalman and can't wait to get into the Broadway SB.  Oh and I also managed to cut our grassy bank for the second time.


Jim H.

The bridge with it's geo textile membrane installed ready for ballasting

Thanks Jim


Anonymous said...

Cough cough, Its Thomas the tank ENGINE!! NOT Thomas the Tank! He aint no military object!

Anonymous said...

regarding the signal box. and the brickwork. so the front and the sides are reasonably close to completion with still a lot of bricks to be laid at the back. would this be right?

Bill said...

There are approximately 3000 bricks to be laid which represents 20 man days of work. However in parallel with that there is still much to be done with the floor and window frames.

Dave said...

You remember you said you wanted more bricks, well...........

HowardGWR said...

Bill, planning a trip, I've just discovered that your link to the Lygon Arms gives a 404 or similar!

perhaps have a look, when you are feeling better. Sorry to hear you were indisposed.

John R said...

puma hotels has been renamed the Hotel Collection so their website address has changed.