Monday, 28 April 2014

Platform Sketch

A supporter asked for a  platform sketch. This one supplements Jo's explanation in the comments.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for this.
Is there some way you can arrange for it not to get lost?
Is there any chance of adding distances so we can see how long each of the sections are?

Bill said...

I'm not sure what you mean about it getting lost. Feel free to print it off!

The only relevant measurement is that the 2 platforms will be 200m long - the length of each section is only useful for our own planning purposes.
Thanks for your interest.

Anonymous said...

Many thanks Bill,I was the supporter from South Wales who asked for the platform details. Like me , there must be 100s of people who read your excellent blogs who have never visited the site. My wife is fed up with me explaining corbelling when we are on a platform waiting for a train. Could someone (son or daughter) make a simple lego model of the signal box as far as it has been built and photograph it? Then update it as and when.Thanks for your blogs.

Anonymous said...

>The only relevant measurement is that the 2 platforms will be 200m long - the length of each section is only useful for our own planning purposes.

Sorry but I disagree. You often report work on platform 1C. Knowing how long platform 1C is compared to the other parts of platform 1 helps better understand the scale of what you're reporting about.