A small but perfectly formed gang of 8 were on site today - some of the Saturday regulars were away on family duties - it has to be done sometimes!
But the work continued. Brick cleaning was the main activity with 4 volunteers braving what was quite a harsh, cold wind blowing down the track bed. The bricks for Platform 1C are gradually mounting!
At the other end of the site Jim H disassembled the collapsed shelter by the signal box. It has served its purpose, and we are looking forward to better weather to allow the signal box construction to continue at an increased pace.
Bob White took time out today to find a source of 2 special bricks ( plinth header internal returns) required for the chimney breast. He struck lucky with one and is now on the trail of the second.
John B spent much of the day looking after Marguerite's Shed and was rewarded with a steady stream of customers. We would be very pleased to add you to our regular list of customers who are always amazed at the progress being made.
Vic continued with the landscaping job on the drive - its all looking very much improved.

Talking of the Drive I mentioned last Saturday about a tree coming down in last Friday's storms. Nature really imposed itself and a Corsican pine landed fair and square across the adjacent garage car park. I was not able to publish a photo until the interested parties had been informed.

Finally during the week Jim H took a trip up to meet Andrew Goodman at his premises at Wishaw, to start planning the refurbishment of the HIA Footbridge, before its transfer to Broadway. the Broadway Area Group will set up a team to carry out the stripping and preparation of the various structures that make up the bridge. If you are a GWR Volunteer who could be freed up to join this team temporarily we would like to hear from you. Alternatively if you are local to the Wishaw Area and would be interested in helping us out, again please get in touch.
But the work continued. Brick cleaning was the main activity with 4 volunteers braving what was quite a harsh, cold wind blowing down the track bed. The bricks for Platform 1C are gradually mounting!
That plane's never going to take off Jim.... |
Bob White took time out today to find a source of 2 special bricks ( plinth header internal returns) required for the chimney breast. He struck lucky with one and is now on the trail of the second.
John B spent much of the day looking after Marguerite's Shed and was rewarded with a steady stream of customers. We would be very pleased to add you to our regular list of customers who are always amazed at the progress being made.
Vic continued with the landscaping job on the drive - its all looking very much improved.

Talking of the Drive I mentioned last Saturday about a tree coming down in last Friday's storms. Nature really imposed itself and a Corsican pine landed fair and square across the adjacent garage car park. I was not able to publish a photo until the interested parties had been informed.

Finally during the week Jim H took a trip up to meet Andrew Goodman at his premises at Wishaw, to start planning the refurbishment of the HIA Footbridge, before its transfer to Broadway. the Broadway Area Group will set up a team to carry out the stripping and preparation of the various structures that make up the bridge. If you are a GWR Volunteer who could be freed up to join this team temporarily we would like to hear from you. Alternatively if you are local to the Wishaw Area and would be interested in helping us out, again please get in touch.
That's such a fantastic old footbridge, it's going to look epic at broadway. How much work does it need ? When u say volunteers needed does that mean sand blasting and re painting it, welding up rust and carting to broadway?
Yes, probably all that and more!
I'm going to be interested to see how that bridge is going to fit on an articulated truck, let alone be driven backwards up broadway station drive and crained into position. Might be Devine provision that Corsican pine fell... You'll need all the space u can get spinning that span in the air and into position. On the plus side tho I suspect it will have to be done before the station build kicks off so we'll see it sooner !
You will find that Andrew Goodman's company "Moveright International" has all the relevant expertise for the task.
When do you expect to see the footbridge in position, will it be 2014?
Hey, let's be positive. It Is wonderful news that that bridge is going to Broadway. I thought it had been lost to somewhere else.
Many thanks for pictures of Henley in Arden footbridge and nice to know it has a future . Posted a link here https://www.facebook.com/ShirleySignalBox2014?ref=hl onto the Shirley and North Warwicks Facebook page
Also looking forward to running two days on the GWSR with 7820 Dinmore Manor in a few weeks time .
GWR Corrugated lamp hut abandoned in undergrowth adjacent to the Foundry Wood, a Community Woodland in the process of being created in Leamington Spa between the GWR main line and LNWR Coventry branch...
It is covered in ivy and not obvious from the road....
I remember it in situ until the late 1980s by the sidings at the top of the embankment but is was pushed over by BR. Was pleased to see it still is there today!
Do we need any more of these?
Yes we do need more, but it sounds as though recovery might be tricky - we need access with a lorry with a HIAB crane.
It was impressive to see the progress that has been made when I visited on Saturday. Great work, I am the chap who bought the Ffestiniog video.
David P
Re: the GWR Corrugated lamp hut, it would perhaps be possible to get the hi-ab on the path/ cycle path and lift over the fence....
What is the exact location for this hut; we need to take a look to ascertain our chances. Can you send an email with a description.
Many thanks
Jo I cant see your email address, sorry.
Basically it is behind the fence on railway land to the right as you go north under the grey GWR bridge, opposite the council tip. If you look at Google maps it looks impenetrable, but in the last year the area has been cleared to make a cycle path and footpath.... to view you need to see it from inside the fenceline of the newly created Foundry Wood, which is open most weekends.
I'll check it out, thanks. Might take me 10 days or so.
sorry my post should have read 'on the right as you go south'!
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