As part of this work the BAG Group have set up a brick laying training programme to encourage more volunteers to pick up this valuable skill. Ron Brislin, Head of Building Service (Maintenance) kindly offered to come up for the afternoon to take new recruits through the basics. Here the Blue team (John, Brian and Jim) try their hand. This is a first step along the way to developing more skills and hopefully this will create more capacity for the Railway as a whole. I very much appreciate Ron's time and although the rain stopped play (Lesson 1 you cant lay bricks in the rain!) I hope he will return to continue the good work.

On other fronts a team went down to Winchcombe to horse trade some line-side cabinet doors for an additional LS cabinet for platform 2B. Here Jim and Brian weigh up the refurbishment required before it can be placed.
At the northern end a bonfire was going well, burning the debris from Brian's efforts on Wednesday. Here Clive corbelling, Robin, Keith and Peter brick cleaning, John S retrieving debris and in the distance Dave B and co with a second fire.

The cherry on my Saturday cake? Jo Roesen, unstoppable in his pursuit of authenticity had, at his own expense sourced a Broadway nomenclature for our lamps. Brilliant! as an extra he manged to get a Corsican pine to grow out of the top.
Finally a big welcome to new volunteer Phil Boyer - he got tired and wet but did an excellent job! I hope we haven't put him off.
That lamp looks amazing
whatever happened to dott the drott?
She's ready and waiting for a final campaign in the car park!
and then she'll be put out to pasture?
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