Monday 13 January 2014

New Blog for Cheltenham Racecourse Platform 2

With the cooperation of Jo Roesen I have created an affiliated Blog for the Building of Platform 2 at Cheltenham Racecourse Station. Jo will keep it up to date! This will keep a separation between work at either end of our wonderful railway. The Broadway Area Group are still giving the project as much support as we can.

Bill Britton


GWSR Steam Loco Dept said...

Hi Bill,

Please could you provide us with the URL of this new log.



GWSR Steam Loco Dept said...
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Geoff said...

GWSR Steam Loco Dept said...

Thanks for that. I've put a link to it from the front page of the steam loco dept blog. Keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

Also added to the C&W blog list