Wednesday, 18 December 2013

Wednesday 18th December 2013

The last normal Wednesday working day of 2013 and it looked as though it could have been a wash out - but no, the Broadway micro climate came to the rescue, and 17 Volunteers  worked non stop for most of the day.

Two Peters again... Peter Q (nearest) built the shelter
so was entitled to use it!
Bricklaying was taking place on two fronts. On 2B a  large team were pressing on with remaining courses before the corbelling.  By the end of the day 2 courses had been laid along the length. The shelter came into its own as some squally weather blew through.

Bob White continued squaring up the end of 2B which  is the completion point at this moment in time.

The southern rear corner
At the signal box end progress was being made on the initial course of blues. The two rear corners have been built up to the height required to complete the plinth. Also the base of the two pillars that will support the main lever-frame support beams have been  laid. It really is taking shape!

The northern rear corner with the pillar support in the centre

Note I have resolved the problem with the signal box camera. Such simple technology shouldn't be so difficult - if you are a Wireless IP camera technician and would like to help us out from time to time, please let me know!

The P Way Gang visit - Jim Graham leads the charge!

We had a welcome visit from the P Way Gang today. They were on their way to have their Christmas lunch. They were all interested in our progress and I suspect can't wait to reach Broadway! It will be a happy day when we see them coming over Childswickham Bridge.

Down in the car park a team of 4 were continuing to clear out the gully along the perimeter of the car park. I'm not sure how they keep going at this task, but you can see the water is now  beginning to flow well. Remember this water comes directly from the platform centre drain which in turn takes the run off from the adjacent embankments.

On the main site Brian Moore continued the good work at clearing the  self seeded trees from the embankments. We will be able to see Honeybourne soon!
Finally I have been remiss in not thanking the Broadway ShowStoppers band for raising £250  last week on behalf of  the Broadway Area Group. Mike Speake , a long serving BAG Volunteer is a member of the band and has been "instrumental" in encouraging support for our cause. This particular donation came as a result of raffle proceeds at  gigs they played at Blockley and Elmley Castle(£220) and a donation from the Brompton  House Care Home in Broadway(£30). Our thanks go in particular to Lesley Wood who manages the bands events. Thank You!


1 comment:

D. Duck esq said...

Crikey Blimey, never seen the Gwr Pway department with that many safety hats on!

Safety paranoid or what!

Swing some 60' rails across them to make 'em feel at home........