We had a great turn out of Volunteers today - 21 in total and all determined to make the very best of the day.
Mild weather allowed the brick laying to continue on Platform 2B and superb progress was made. You can see the bricklaying shelter in all its glory - vital if we are to keep up the pace and finish the wall in the next month or so.
Talking about finishing , Here is Bob W at the finishing point. You can see the hair shirt we made him wear for introducing a minor typo on the blog - if I had pound for each of my typos we would have the hole job dun by know.
Onwards! The new signal box base has caught everyone's attention - volunteers and visitors alike. John C and Brian mounted a lone charge on putting in the cable ducting for the services. It was a noble effort - hand digging a trench on compacted ballast sorts out the men from the boys!

Talking of sorting the men from the boys a gallant band spent the day continuing the ditch clearance down in the car park. The picture above highlights the before and after of the ditching work and shows the free running gully that results. A top job!
Vic has been mounting a one man crusade on re landscaping the front border by the driveway. Jo spotted a selection of Cotswold stone that came with the Mythe rubble. He and Steve brought a dumper load up from the car park. I hope Vic has had his Weetabix when he comes on Saturday.

Down on the northern embankment Brian Moore has cut back more of the self- seed Ash trees. It will allow us to grade the embankment here, which will be behind 1C if we get our arms twisted far enough to build it.....
Finally back to the Signal Box. Fairview have delivered sufficient bricks to start the signal box base, which we will be happy to begin next week sometime. I am going to add some additional posts on the Signal Box, with some more detail on its design and mechanics. Look out for them!
In the meantime come to visit us, and don't miss the opportunity to buy Bridges to Broadway Shares for you friends and family for Christmas - its a great present!

Talking of sorting the men from the boys a gallant band spent the day continuing the ditch clearance down in the car park. The picture above highlights the before and after of the ditching work and shows the free running gully that results. A top job!
Vic has been mounting a one man crusade on re landscaping the front border by the driveway. Jo spotted a selection of Cotswold stone that came with the Mythe rubble. He and Steve brought a dumper load up from the car park. I hope Vic has had his Weetabix when he comes on Saturday.

Down on the northern embankment Brian Moore has cut back more of the self- seed Ash trees. It will allow us to grade the embankment here, which will be behind 1C if we get our arms twisted far enough to build it.....
Finally back to the Signal Box. Fairview have delivered sufficient bricks to start the signal box base, which we will be happy to begin next week sometime. I am going to add some additional posts on the Signal Box, with some more detail on its design and mechanics. Look out for them!
In the meantime come to visit us, and don't miss the opportunity to buy Bridges to Broadway Shares for you friends and family for Christmas - its a great present!
Is that the ramp starting to be made at the end of platform two, or is the ramp still to come later?
We are keeping our options open a the moment....
Looking at the drawing of the snigal box on the right of the blog page, what are those four openings under the box at platform level? Artistic licence?
Yes, that's a fair way of putting it! The overall effect will be quite pleasing -the Signal Box, as well as functional, will be an attraction viewed from platform 1.
It's an inspired idea siting that snigal box on the platform. It will look great from across the tracks. Will you be offering instructional tours when it is up and running?
Early days.....
You should set up a starter signal at each platform and let people have a go at £2 a time until the track gets to Broadway!
perhaps something like at kidderminster railway museum!
see St James and Malvern Road in action!
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