A rather cold and dank day today where the weather seemed to penetrate everything. Nevertheless 11 volunteers kept at it and some valuable work was done.

The most inhospitable of these was the on-going clearance of the gully down to the Childswickham Road. Dave B, John S , Jim H and John B all took turn about out cutting back the undergrowth and digging the silt out of the bottom of the gully. As I've said before it is vital job, but quite back breaking! The end result dramatically improved the flow of water southwards.

Up on the main site 4 brick cleaners were busy cleaning and grading the plinth headers that are to be use on the skirt of the signal box. We were surprised by the number of slight differences there were in the chamfered ends and it took the best part of the day for Steve B to finally sort out sufficient of one size to complete the signal box base.
Jo managed to get a coat of rust inhibitor on our newly found side screen post (I incorrectly referred to it as a running in board post last time!). Peter K has kindly offered to weld the broken post, at which time I'm sure it will be as good as new!
Finally Jim managed to get a power supply to our new security camera mast. I will set to on the installation as soon as possible.
Thanks to everyone who helped today and to our many visitors from Toddington and Winchcombe who came along to view progress and offer words of encouragement.
The most inhospitable of these was the on-going clearance of the gully down to the Childswickham Road. Dave B, John S , Jim H and John B all took turn about out cutting back the undergrowth and digging the silt out of the bottom of the gully. As I've said before it is vital job, but quite back breaking! The end result dramatically improved the flow of water southwards.
Up on the main site 4 brick cleaners were busy cleaning and grading the plinth headers that are to be use on the skirt of the signal box. We were surprised by the number of slight differences there were in the chamfered ends and it took the best part of the day for Steve B to finally sort out sufficient of one size to complete the signal box base.
Jo managed to get a coat of rust inhibitor on our newly found side screen post (I incorrectly referred to it as a running in board post last time!). Peter K has kindly offered to weld the broken post, at which time I'm sure it will be as good as new!
Finally Jim managed to get a power supply to our new security camera mast. I will set to on the installation as soon as possible.
Thanks to everyone who helped today and to our many visitors from Toddington and Winchcombe who came along to view progress and offer words of encouragement.
Great job
Who will monitor the cameras & call the police, when home grown scroats turn up to steal.
As for next year?
how many can we persuade to volunteer at the GWSR though? perhaps someone standing at the airport arrivals waving leaflets... :D
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