Monday, 25 November 2013

Monday 25th November 2013 - Cheltenham Racecourse Platform 2

Bob White kindly sent me this report of activity at Cheltenham today:-

Hi Bill

There were five volunteers on site today - I was joined by  John O, Brian M, Pete D (am). John C came along pm after meeting the Building Inspector who gave the OK for the concreting of the foundations of the Signal Box at Broadway. The weather turned out fine for bricklaying. Fairview came late morning with a delivery of sand, cement and concrete blocks. I laid a further course of blues on sections three and six. Pete and John backed up with a course of reds on section three.   We now have two more sections ready for backing up so if the apprentices come along again next week there will be plenty of red bricks and blocks for them to lay.  John O kept the mortar flowing.  Brian started preparing the next section for brickwork and moved and stacked two pallets of concrete blocks ready for use.   It made a nice change to be working in the dry with the sun appearing in the afternoon and we all went home pleased with the progress made.

I enclose the only photo I took today. There not easy to take with a trowel in your hand.



Cheers Bob


Anonymous said...

Shouldn't it read- 'they're not easy to take with a trowel in your hand'? and not there?

There are three versions, depending on when you use them.

They're- they are, for example they are going swimming.

Their- their bags, (it belongs to them).

There- over there, they are going over there.

There is excellent work going on at Broadway!! Well done!! Good on you chaps!

Anonymous said...

Does it really matter?

Anonymous said...

Yes, as it's not correct. Phillip

Anonymous said...

Its nit pickers like this that put many of us of making comments.

Anonymous said...

"Their- their bags, (it belongs to them)."

Shouldn't it be: (they belong to them)?

Anonymous said...

Why not praise them for the work they do on site as opposed to what they write on the blog, I for one am grateful for these updates on progress and spelling mistakes are a trivial thing to pick fault with.


Anonymous said...

Read the comment, I have praised them!!

Anonymous said...

Sadly, I think the damage had been done in the first part of the comment.

Anonymous said...

Pedant alert