Back from Wales, delayed by a trip to the Gwili Railway!
Friday 31st May 2013
A couple of specials jobs on the go on Friday:-
Here's Jo's report
After returning to Broadway, a
smaller team of 3 went on to Worcester to retrieve a cargo of second hand
bricks. The other two (Keith, and your scribe) remained at Broadway and attended
to the phone box.
Using a set of Whitworth bolts
bought from a specialist on the internet, we fixed the top and bottom back
boards to the box. We then realised that the advertisement panels lacked their
protective glasses, so your scribe went to Cotswolds and had them made on the
spot. On return, the advertisement panels were screwed on the boards, and this
area of the telephone box is now complete, including a working telephone with BT
Friday 31st May 2013
A couple of specials jobs on the go on Friday:-
Here's Jo's report
A team of 4 took the
Gotherington running in board post to a fabricator in Malmesbury today,
accompanied by one of the reproduction finials. Here, 3 copies will be made, to
make enough posts for the two running in boards we need.

Seems a really productive day and the K2 50/50 Club will be well pleased with the progress on the phone box! A special thank to Pete Dickinson for the assistance with the GWR truck. We couldn't do it without you!
I knew that Saturday was going to be a bit thin on the ground for volunteers - it coincided with a lot of us away. But that didn't stop lots being done.
Jo's Report:-
A smallish team of 7 today – 3 brick cleaning, Jim on sundries, and Clive and Roger laying quite a lot of bricks. I put out a couple of pounds of grass seeds behind 2b, and then spent the day moving blues in preparation for Monday. FYI, I also sowed a pound of grass seeds on the slope behind 1b, between the brown container and the lamp hut, a few days ago.
Clive has started a row on the
last stretch. What will we do next, when this wall is finished?
Don't panic Mr Mainwaring there are more walls where that came from!
A Monday brick laying special!
I had been offered a day's bricklaying from builder and Broadway supporter Marcus Taylor and his crew... Monday was the day!
Jo's Report
We had a record day today with
brick laying. Builder Marcus Taylor came with his father and one other, and formed a
record breaking team together with BAG volunteers Bob W, Paul C, Clive and Tony
B, plus myself. 970 bricks were laid, a figure never achieved before. A
considerable stretch is now available for corbelling, and more is close, whereas
the blues have reached the end of the current platform stretch.
I have taken a video of the pros
– see the dexterity, and the appropriate music!
Very impressive.
The BAG are very grateful for Marcus Taylor's contribution today. He helped us out on Platform 1A last year and perhaps he may offer to help some more on another day.
I will look over this post more closely tomorrow, but I thought it only fair to get everyone's hard work recognised asap.
Thanks Jo!
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