Tuesday, 30 April 2013

A Link to the Past

I have been trying to revamp the www.broadwaystation.co.uk  website to bring it up to date and make it a bit more interesting.

Jo has helped me in the task and I have put an interesting pictorial archive on that Jo has compiled. Please take a look, and if you have any more tales to tell or pictures you can legally pass on, please get in touch with Jo or myself.

The Archive starts here http://www.broadwaystation.co.uk/scrapbook1.htm and subsequent pages can be clicked at the foot of each page.


Anonymous said...

Brilliant! Keep 'em coming!

Richard said...

Thank you for posting these archive pictures. They are both interesting and saddening - few things are more depressing than an abandoned railway line or derelict station. I think of the men who built the route, the countless people who passed along it and the heartless destruction. Rebirths, such as at Broadway, exemplify the quiet but determined passion of those who wish to bring back to life a part of our heritage for the pleasure and fulfilment of themselves and many others. For that I say well done and thank you.

Anonymous said...

Excellent pictures! Why is the new platform corbelling different to the original? Is it to create slightly more room in-between the two platforms?

Bill said...

Current regulations require a refuge between the platform wall and passing traffic.