Saturday 16 March 2013

Saturday Gang!

Nine of us turned out today and  pressed on with some of the general housekeeping  jobs in hand.

A bonfire is always mandatory for clearing the amassed  general rubbish. Here Dave  B the fire starter shows a good deal of style in keeping the bonfire going.
 Along the embankment John B filled in the trench by the electric cables as well as  keeping the bonfire fed. I did ask him to pose so he felt obliged to follow instructions!

Behind platform 2 Bob W was cherry picking and stacking the best blues for laying the top course  of corbelling on Monday.

At the other end of the site Roger and Vic started cleaning the lampposts, ready for painting. Unfortunately the heavy showers set in and prevented further use of the electrical equipment. This job was swopped for brick cleaning (every cloud has a silver lining!). Robin was pleased to have the company.
 John C was with us today and put on his sparky uniform to  install some power in the brown container from the mess hut. It all worked!

John then moved back down to platform 1A to install the electrics in the cabinet.  Best efforts  and the shortage of a few parts meant this job didn't quite get finished, but John is almost there.

Finally Chris Helm our Heath and Safety man came in this morning to sort out some paperwork and fit an electrical plug or two.

All in all a good day with progress being made here and there, despite the rain. Jo was away today so his keen photographic eye is missing from these shots. I am out of practise!.


Bill Jones said...

Hi Bill if you need more lamp posts take a look at the remains of west smethwick station on the line from Birmingham snowhill to stourbridge line all that is left of this station is the two platforms aline of lamp posts and a small shelter.

Bill said...

Thanks Bill, I will investigate.

Anonymous said...

Looks like one of the disused station buildings at Smethwick West has many identical bricks to what the Broadway station building will need.