Wednesday 18 July 2012

Wednesday 18th July 2012

Ron and Tony empty hardcore into the chanel
The rain today seemed to get into every nook and cranny and made the work in hand that bit more challenging. Nevertheless 18 volunteers rose to that challenge and some great work was done. Whilst we continue to get contracts lined up to build the signal box base, the majority of the construction team set to on the final push to get Platform 1B and its problematical embankment sorted out. An extra drainage channel was built behind the old horse dock wall in order to move the run off water more quickly.
Further up the platform the 4 lamppost sockets and associated ducting go in, which included  water pipe for on-platform and off-platform services.

Grit and Determination

Peters in action

The viewing platform, which has become a labour of love for some of the volunteers is taking final shape.

Platform 2A you will be pleased to know has not been entirely forgotten, Roger continued with the corbelling, Bob with the ramp and Paul acting as supplier of mortar!

Finally just a note that a group of us went over to the old stables at Ashchurch first thing and agreed that we would do a reclamation job on the bricks. Our calculation is that it will provide 10,000 good red bricks and a selection of shaped blues for our brick stocks. Watch this space - I have to get the paperwork sorted!


Anonymous said...

Hi Bill,

Great to see the number of blog views over 16,000 again, a testament to how interesting you make it and the hard work of all the volunteers.

Just a small correction, the signing on list shows there were 18 volunteers working.


Bill said...

Thanks Terry.
Number changed!

Howard Parker said...

Hi, just wondered whether you are in need of more GWR style bricks? I came across the rmains of Flax Bourtin station just outside Bristol the other day. Very derelict and hidden among trees but the bricks look good. Also the good shed.
Let me know if you are interested
Howard Parker
07866 727743

Anonymous said...

I have mentioned that station on here before. I'm sure quite a bit of it could be re used.

Bill said...

Howard ,
Sorry for the delay in replying. We would very much like to salvage parts of, or all of this building.Unfortunately its
on a running line and NetworkRail are never happy with this sort of removal.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps some creative thinking is in order, surely some compromise can be found, if you were to obtain it the basic shell for much of the new broadway would be there for the taking?