Sunday, 1 July 2012

1st July 2012 - The Olympic Torch comes through Broadway

What great excitement came to Broadway today with 1000's of people turning out to witness and cheer the carrying of the Olympic Torch through Broadway.

The Broadway Area Group had an information stall on the Green and many of the visitors came to chat and ask the most familiar question "When will trains arrive at Broadway?" ! We are always pleased to talk about our achievements so far and our hopes for the future.

The most popular person on the day was previous torch bearer Dr Neil Townshend (sorry Neil for not getting your name included first time around), a Friend of Broadway Station who was  pleased and proud to show his torch to all and sundry. I qualified for the sundry!

Of greater importance to  us was the presentation by the delightful Alice Warnants of a cheque for £335 for the Broadway Area Group resulting from sponsorship received from her successful run of the 2 Castles 10k  road race. This was run on the 10th June 2012.  This is the second occassion that Alice, (daughter of Stuart Warnants, a long serving Broadway Volunteer), has come to our aid. It is much appreciated Alice.

I am sorry my mug is in both pictures! All the hard work today was done by John Blofield, Jo Roesen, Hilary Roesen, and  Bob Jones and Vic Smith manning the car park.  What a great effort -I don't know what we would do without them.

More photos from the Torch Procession


Anonymous said...

Pity the money being wasted on the Olympic Torch run was being used for better purposes such as assisting in the rebuilding of Broadway Station and the laying of the all important track. When will we stop wating money on these meaningless events that only benefit the few.
I notice in the recent honours list that there were no gongs handed out to any member of the Broadway Station Restoration Team but plenty to hangers on that contribute nothing to society other than to avoid paying their taxes.

Dave said...

Dear anon., trouble is, some people who support the Olympics may think restoring railways is pretty meaningless! Our job, like other voluntary organisations, is to make our case strongly in the right quarters. Attacking other people's pet interests won't get us anywhere.

Geoff said...

Looking on the plus side, whether the Olympic Torch run is your cup of tea or not, it passing through Broadway attracted a large number of people to the village. Some of these may not have been aware of the Broadway station rebuilding project but will be now thanks to the Group having their stand in a prime location on the Green on Sunday.

Anonymous said...

Thank you to the volunteers who attended this event on behalf of the BAG and also to Alice for her very welcome donation towards our funds.

The event certainly looked well attended and I hope we gain a few more "Friends" and supporters as a result of your efforts.
