Platform 2A continues to grow, with the first blues being laid. In the foreground Jim and Roger, unload some Wisley blues which will be merged in with the Taunton brindles. In the back ground Bob, Clive and Steve finish off the last of the block work.

Bob here, quite chuffed that the 7m mark shows up
on the tape. Precision work this platform building lark!
On other fronts the the excessive rain has caused the weeds and nettles to grow faster than an anything else around the entrance and station footprint and here Dave and Andy C barrow the umpteenth load away. This is in preparation for out Open Evening on the 18th May - You are coming aren't you!
Again somewhat in preparation for the 18th Jo puts the finishing touches paint-wise to the lampposts. Here a very good shot by Jim H. Snapper turned poser springs to mind!
The end result was certainly very pleasing . Here a shot looking northwards with phone box wrapped and firmly bolted in place.
Finally thanks to all the other helpers, loppers, choppers, brick cleaners, ditch diggers who worked today. None of your efforts have gone unoticed! Bill
I'm hoping to be there. Will the railway site be promoting the evening this week with a news item?
marvelous job !
I'm a member of a Belgium heritage association PFT . I can say you ... I'm astonished the work you do "how it was and how it is now !". Keep going you make us dream !
It's a real shame that your open evening is the 18th May because the Bluebell Railway AGM (a must-attend for me) is on the 19th May and I cannot get to both. I do hope someone will be taking lots of pictures of the evening and that if anyone gives a short speech to the assembled masses it is videoed and posted so we can all get the benefit.
Best wishes,
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